Why you need a Coming Soon Page

Coming Soon page on Apple Desktop

A Coming Soon page is the simplest way to get started on a website for your new business.

Any business needs a website – however small. But having all the content ready for a website, when you are just starting a business? That’s hard, and, from talking to lots of people embarking on the daunting journey of setting up their new business, it’s the number one reason why small business owners delay getting their website live.

That’s where a Coming Soon page comes in.

Coming Soon on the To Do list

A Coming Soon Page is a temporary page can alert customers and clients to your new business venture. It can have as little as your contact details on – email address and/or phone number. Already have a website and you are making a new one? Simply add a link to an existing website that you are updating – that way you won’t lose any customers.

Incidentally, Google advises all businesses to use a Coming Soon page until their site is ready. From an SEO point of view, a Coming Soon page needs to be coded correctly to make sure that the bots that search for sites still register the page. That way, when your full website is launched, it is already indexed with search engines. But any good website provider will set up a Coming Soon page with this in mind, so you don’t have to worry about the background details.

As a starting point, a Coming Soon page is a great way to establish your branding. Add your Logo, and use your brand colours, to make a visual impression.

Display of websites on esktop computer, laptop computer, tablet and mobile

Your Coming Soon page doesn’t have to be all singing and dancing. Choose two or three elements from this simple checklist:

1 Contact Details

First things first: always make sure any visitor can get in touch with you as easily as possible. Include an email address, super-short contact form, or a phone number.

2 Great imagery

Choose a photo that tells people what your business is about – remember, a picture tells a thousand words. And, if you haven’t got your own photos ready to go, choose one from the brilliant royalty-free websites out there – read about our favourites on this Green Ginger Design blog here.

3 Strong copy

Make it short and snappy – this isn’t the place to list all your achievements, or every product and service you will be launching, but it is the place to summarise your business in a sentence or two.

4 Prominent social links

if you have social accounts already set up, add links to your Coming Soon page – this is an extra showcase for your work, and an easy way for potential customers to get in touch with you.

5 Enticing signup offers

Encourage your visitors to sign up for an opening offer or great free download.  Then, when your website is live, you can get in touch and tell them.

Coming Soon Page of Flat White Website

Remember: just because your Coming Soon page is temporary, doesn’t mean you can forget about it – it still needs to be updated. If you mention a product or business launch date, make sure that it is not out of date. Equally, add a timescale to the page as soon as you know it.

If you are using a Coming Soon page to announce a particular launch date for your business or product, don’t make the date too far in advance – 1 month is usually plenty for a business launch, and up to 3 months if it is an event. And if the date changes, make sure you update your page!

How to customise the Coming Soon page

All our Flat White Websites arrive with a Coming Soon page already set up for you.  But if your website doesn’t come with a Coming Soon page already built in, there are some great WordPress Plugins designed just for this. WP Maintenance Mode has plenty of features to get you started, including fully customisable images and colours, as well as email subscription and social media icons.  If you want to take your Coming Soon page very seriously, it may be worth investing in a paid plug in with plenty of extra features, such as the Coming Soon Page and Maintenance Mode Plugin by SeedProd.

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Why you need a Coming Soon page