The Flat White

Our eCommerce website package.

The ultimate brew: if you are selling online or want to link your website to your email marketing, this is the one for you

You get all the features of the Macchiato plus:

  • Email marketing integration, connecting up your newsletters and email marketing
  • Stripe integration so you can sell products and courses directly from your website
  • Shopping basket if you sell multiple items
  • Both .com and domain names for 12 months

We offer 2 types of eCommerce websites:

  • Individual selling buttons – ideal for one-off products or services
  • Full shopping basket, using WooCommerce – perfect for multiple products

Monthly Payment:

£29.00 a month

Annual Payment:

£290 a year, saving you £58

All our website packages come with the same core features, including:

  • Domain name registered for 12 months – either or .com
  • Email setup
  • 12 months hosting
  • Free 1-hour Zoom call with Fred to show you how to get your landing page up and running
  • Ongoing phone, email or Zoom support