Simplified web design templates brewed to your personal preference

When you need that hit of caffeine, you just want to be able to hit the switch and hey presto, the perfect drink.

It’s the same with websites.

You need something to give your small business the buzz it deserves without having to spend precious time fiddling around with complicated website builders.

Thank you so much, Fred and Penny. I don’t think I would ever have got it live without your brilliant package and support.

Charlotte, Social for Business


How we help you

A website as unique as you but without the headache of doing it all from scratch.

With our simplified, affordable WordPress templates, we’ve already made the big decisions on the best layout and structure for a small business website, saving you time, money and stress. We even show you which type of content should go where and how images will work.

All you need to do is personalise it with your content, logo and colours.

And don’t worry – if you get stuck, Fred’s on hand to talk you through it and help you get up and running quickly.

An all-round nifty experience.

Quick. Simple. Professional. Getting you a great website, which represents your brand. With support from real people, on the phone, over email or on Zoom.

Book a quick chat with Fred to see how we can help.

Coffee optional.

Flat White Websites are the perfect website creators for small businesses and their support is invaluable. If it wasn’t for Fred and Penny and their easy to understand, hand-holding style I would still not have a website.

Emma, Emma Macfarlane Marketing


How it works

  1. Pick your template. Choose from 3 different options:  Espresso, Macchiato or Flat White.
  2. Pay online. Monthly or annually if you want to save some pennies.
  3. In a couple of days, an email lands in your inbox with all you need to know to get started on your website.
  4. Add your brand and content.
  5. Leave us to look after the rest.

We manage all the technical stuff, including domain names, setting up your email, hosting and security, and provide ongoing support as you need it.

Have an existing site? We’ll transfer all your content, and manage all the re-pointing.

If you want to upgrade your package in the future, we’ll sort that too.

And you can be reassured to know your website will have 100% eco hosting. One all-important little step to help.

I put off having a website for so long as thought it was just too tricky and complicated, but Fred and Penny humanised the whole process and made it so easy.

My only regret is I wish I’d done it sooner!

Fiona, Fairways Communications


Hello, we’re Fred and Penny.

We want you to have a better experience when creating your website.

And we do this by pre-building the components you need to get started quickly and giving you the confidence to get on with it, without worrying if you are making the right decisions or not (because we’ve already made them for you.)

We’ve met too many people who have wasted too much money on complex websites that don’t give them the essential functionality they need – or get deterred by complicated, confusing website builders.

We don’t want that happening to you.

We offer a different way. Join us. The kettle’s on.