Domain Name: everything you need to know
Investing in a domain name is an essential step to starting your own business. But it can be confusing.
We answer 10 of most frequently asked questions to help you make the right investment for your business.
1 What is a domain name?
A domain name is a unique name that people type into a browser to find a particular website. Ours is “flatwhitewebsites.co.uk” It’s similar to our company name – Flat White Websites – but has to have a top-level domain too.
2 Are domain names and websites separate things?
Yes. Every website needs a domain name, but every domain name doesn’t need a website.
3 Free v paid domain names: which is better?
Domain names are often provided by website hosts for free. This is usually one name, and often for a limited time period. It’s a good incentive, but only if the name is registered to you and not the host.
Avoid free domain names which includes the host company, e.g. mybusiness.wordpress.com – it’s no good for a business.
4 Where can I buy one?
You can buy a domain name via an accredited registrar. Nominet is responsible for any domain ending in the .uk Top Level. Type in a domain on their website (as long as it has a .uk ending), and they’ll list all the different registrars that can offer it for sale.
We buy all our domain names through Namecheap – again, you can test different domain names on their website to see what’s available.
5 How much does it cost to register a domain name?
This depends on the top level, or ending. For example, “websitewisdom.london” is more expensive than “websitewisdom.co.uk”.
Expect to pay between £5 and £10 per year for the first year, and increasing to between £10 and £20 for subsequent years. Buying a domain name for 3 to 5 years will reduce the annual cost.
It’s worth shopping around as costs vary between different companies.
6 Can I have more than 1 domain name?
Yes – in fact we recommend it. Otherwise someone else could own a domain name that’s virtually identical to ours.
We own “flatwhitewebsites.co.uk” and “flatwhitewebsites.com” – but both names point to a single website address, flatwhitewebsites.co.uk.
7 Can I purchase a domain name directly from a website host?
Usually, yes. Make sure that the domain is registered in your name, and not in your host’s name. (We do this for any domain name that we provide for our Flat White Websites.)
8 Can I transfer my domain name if I change website host?
Yes. Because you have registered your domain, you can transfer it to any website host you choose.
9 Is .com the best type of domain?
Not necessarily. The good thing about .com is it’s known worldwide. The bad thing is it doesn’t give any clue to your location, so can look a bit spam-y, and it’s usually more expensive.
We recommend buying at least two domain names – .com and your country (in our case, .co.uk) – if you can afford it.
10 Does it matter what the name is for SEO?
It’s better for SEO if your name makes sense. Including a keyword that reflects your business is a great idea – in our case, “websites”.
But keep an eye on the length – anything over 18 letters in total starts to get tricky for email addresses.
This infographic gives you more helpful tips to choose a good name:
Ready to take the next steps?
1 Read our blog full of insider tips comparing DIY with Bespoke websites.
2 Get this infographic giving you essential tips to choosing your domain name:
If you want a helping hand sorting out your domain name, check out our website blends – every one includes a free domain name for a year, and Fred will set it all up for you:
Category: Demystifying Websites, Uncategorised